Monday, March 22, 2010

Noah's Pitching Machine-Video

Homeschooling is entirely too much fun. Noah (11) invented a pitching machine using leaf blowers and pvc pipes. Our neighbor's grandson, Aaron helped us test it. Benjamin (14) helped operate it and Andrew (15) made a movie of it. And their mother? Well, she just delighted in it! Thought you might enjoy it too.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


The videos on this blog will be unavailable for awhile. A few weeks ago Homeschool View Tube closed down and the video files were on it's server. Before the website closed down our videos all together had over 30,000 views!
I'll try to re-embed all of the videos, but there are well over 50 and it may take me a few weeks. If you'd like to see a particular video just comment on this post and I will let you know when it'll be available.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Visiting the Inyart Family

IMG_0105Today we visited our friends, the Inyart family-it was David’s 21st Birthday and we sure had a whole lot of fun with him. Watch a video from our trip.

It was fun to be on a farm for a day…we even got to try milking a cow.










IMG_3405IMG_3393We brought a few guns with us and got to do some target practice.IMG_3395IMG_3398IMG_3420


We also made the movie, “A Shady Fortune.”
