September 25 – The next morning my Mom and Mrs. Ford took a walk alongside the water before getting in the waves and playing in the surf.

Mr. Ford and I tried catching some photos of the dolphins – which was no easy proposition.

These were probably some of the best shots we got, but there were times when they’d jump completely out of the water…just as long as we didn’t have a camera in our hands.


Lunch on the deck

After lunch we headed to Pier Park for dessert….

I love all of the details that went into making this strip mall a real seaside-inspired destination for tourists…

…even if it doesn’t make Phil happy.

The three things that I take the time to photograph well:
dogs, sunsets, ice cream
BTW: This turtle caramel ice cream sundae was absolutely delicious and tasted every bit as good as it looked.

Visited the Croc store again

The “As Seen on TV” Store

“To Err is Human. To Blame It On Someone Else Shows Management Potential.”
And when’s the last time you saw something worthwhile on TV?

No surprise Noah is looking at the RC cars and helicopters!

Waiting outside the store with Lydia
Back at the beach…

Was this photo-shopped or not? I have no idea; it came from Mr .Ford

Feeding the birds some stale bread.

“Tuppence a bag”

Lydia wishing she could be outside

We had beautiful weather while the Fords were here – even though there had been a rather wet and gloomy forecast. It wasn’t until after dinner that a very strong thunderstorm blew in.
It was quite an experience to feel the full force of the ocean’s winds against the house and to see the lightning flashes revealing that broad expanse of nothing which is the horizon.
We spent a very delightful evening together having some great discussions – until I found a comfortable spot on the couch and dozed off…