On the evening of June 8th we caught a Polyphemus moth and put it in a cage. The next morning we saw that the moth had laid eggs! So, two weeks later, baby caterpillars started hatching in our cage, in fact, we had 200 hundred of them! We split them up into personal cages and gave some away. We clean their cages out every other day and document haw large and fast they grow. Now our caterpillars have lived more than half of their lives as caterpillars. In another few weeks we will have may cocoons!
Just as these caterpillars will have a change as they become pupae and build their cocoons, so we too become “a new creature” when we are saved. We leave behind our previous lives and habits to live a holy and pure life. Then, we build a home to be away from the world and their carnal pleasures and learn and grow through our parents’ and God’s help until we too, when we are mature, fly all over the world spreading the Gospel and produce Godly offspring and train them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
Just as these caterpillars will have a change as they become pupae and build their cocoons, so we too become “a new creature” when we are saved. We leave behind our previous lives and habits to live a holy and pure life. Then, we build a home to be away from the world and their carnal pleasures and learn and grow through our parents’ and God’s help until we too, when we are mature, fly all over the world spreading the Gospel and produce Godly offspring and train them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
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