The Mysterious Islands
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Bokken Training Swords
What boy wouldn't like any of these great gifts?

Thank you everyone for your prayers, my family and I appreciate it. You can keep track of my Dad's condition or write a special note on his guestbook by going to:
Once upon a time... Men from the country side banded together to form a gang that would target banks. This gang was very successful and it was known that almost all banks were at risk of robbery.
However, this success streak didn't last long and all of the gang members were caught and hung. Their farms were sold to honest folk and the past was largely forgotten-but not quite!
Stay for the bloopers at the end!
Democrats and Republicans have robbed our country blind. There is not a dimes difference between the two major parties. Don't let them steal your
country. Don't wait around for politicians and pundits to come around to the
truth. Take the lead and push them aside. Join the Constitution Party. Lets get
back to Americas founding principles.They will reform health care as well as
they have run Social Security. They will run it into the ground. They mock you
at your town hall meetings. Tell them you have had enough and vote them
out.Change your vote, vote Constitution Party. -Ray Kish
Becoming Charles Darwin from Douglas Phillips on Vimeo.
To watch more great videos from the Reformation 500 check out Doug Phillips & Vision Forum on Vimeo.
I used this short clip for some practice in piecing camera shots together. I pretty much failed-but I was impressed how smooth the shots were at the beginning. I had on rollerblades and coasted down the hill with the camera. I still can’t believe I made it all of the way down the hill backwards on roller blades-oh what a cameraman has to go through!
Young Raccoon with Mother from J. Andrew Wong on Vimeo.