Saturday, February 20, 2010


IMG_0079Today we had fun playing in our first paintball game! The CHEF of Missouri hosts a paintball game every February.


IMG_0077 (2)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Checking Beaver Traps-Pictures

This morning I (Andrew) joined Benjamin on his daily trip to his beaver traps. It snowed during the night and left about 4 inches. The reason why I joined Ben was to get some good photographs of the creek. You'll see them below:

Trapping Beaver-Photos

Benjamin's been trapping just about anything from oppossums to raccoons to squirrels. When the trapping season ended in January Benjamin began researching beaver trapping. After finding what he needed he purchased a few Beaver traps and then place them in the creek nearby. He also received permission to trap on 120 acres of farmland.
Missouri law dictates that you have to place Beaver traps in water and you must check them every 24 hours. Every morning Benjamin treks through the fields to check his traps. It's 1/2 of a mile each way. On Feburary 3 all of his hard work paid off.

The beaver's teeth are dyed yellow from the trees it continually chews through.

Here are the beaver's webbed feet.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We went ice skating with our cousins at Queeny Park.


Hopefully I'll have a video up soon..

St. Louis History Museum with Mr. Ford-Pictures

Mr. Dan Ford took us three boys on an outing to the St. Louis History Museum. We also stopped in front of the Art Museum and got a couple of pictures.
Before we went home we visited the Sandy Creek Covered Bridge that's about 1 mile from our house.

The Farm-Pictures

Here are a few pictures I took at the farm while Benjamin was hunting .