Saturday, June 26, 2010

2010 CHEF Conference

We just returned from the 2010 Missouri CHEF (Christian Home Educators Fellowship) Conference. This year's speakers were absolutely fantastic and included Dr. Paul Jehle, Kevin Swanson, Bill Potter, Ken Ham and Dr. Marshall Foster.

The topics presented at the conference were so broad that it would be very limiting to call this event a just a typical "Homeschool" Conference. This year's speakers taught on Creation/Evolution, Church History, Military History, Homeschooling and Family Discipleship, Culture-Changing, Economics, Mentoring, God's Providence, Constitutional Law, Mathematics in relation to the Trinity, Interposition and College Solutions. The hard part about a conference with this caliber of speakers is deciding which lectures you'll have to miss and which ones you will attend. Obviously we had to buy a CDs for all of them!
Some of the speakers that we particularly enjoyed (because they are a blast to watch in person) were Kevin Swanson and Dr. Paul Jehle. Dr. Jehle taught some great lectures about America's founding, her founding charters, the coalition between the jurisdictions of government and interposition as described in the Constitution.
It is always great to visit with friends that you don't get to see too often, but it was also fun to "hang out" with a family from our church, the Baileys who also attended the conference.
Despite this fantastic panel of speakers we were a little bit disappointed with the amount of people that attended. The conference is very affordable in comparison with similar conferences, yet there weren't nearly enough attendees. We hope that more people will attend this conference when they come to realization that this conference is about much more than just homeschooling, so that even if their children are grown or if they don't even have any children they will still come and learn to from some of the nation's best teachers.

Thus far next year's speakers include: Doug Phillips, Dr. Voddie Bachuam, Bill Potter and Herb Titus and to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the War Between the States the 2011 conference will be Civil War-themed. Hope to see you there! For more information you can visit:

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