Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dec 16

  The roads were still just a little bit icy today after our freezing-rain yesterday.

Some two handsome chaps…Noah & Aaron.
IMG_3523This afternoon we had an appointment at the Millennium hotel in downtown St. Louis.  My Grandpa was going to be fitted for some custom tailored dress shirts.

We were a little bit early so we went to the 28th floor of the hotel where the riverfront restaurant is located. While eating dinner you can IMG_3521get a great view of St. Louis, not only because it’s so high (like their menu prices) but the dining area actually turns around in a complete circle! It takes an hour to go around in a full circle, during which you can get a fantastic view of the Gateway Arch, the Mississippi river, the downtown area and also a look down into the Busch stadium where the Cardinals play.
The room’s view has already changed between this picture and the picture above.
IMG_3533 We also visited our Grandpa this evening before we drove back home.
Every time we go to a friends house I always gasp when I see their Christmas tree…we’ve never even thought about setting up a tree until now; there are a few other things that are a priority such as making room for the kitchen table, so that we can have a place to eat!

Just a few random shots of Noah:
Trying not to smile                                  Look out!  He’s about to throw that knife!! (He must not have really thrown it because at that range there’s no way he would miss the photographer who is posting these pictures.)

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