Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cutting & Digging

IMG_1563  Since we have gotten back from the trip we have been making plans for this year’s gardening….which for all intents and purposes is really our first year of gardening.

Benjamin added some sunlight for our garden area by cutting down this tree:IMG_1566IMG_1562


Existing grapes and and a hole for new grapes


   The 3 of us…or actually the 4 of us….have our own special project apart from the vegetable garden.  Noah is growing blueberries, Benjamin is growing blackberries, Mom is growing a herb garden and I am growing grapes.

   Whenever we first moved to our property the previous owners sold produce they grew on their land and they had apples, strawberries, peaches, grapes, pears, mulberries and blackberries.  We pretty much have not touched the grape vine, but amazingly it is still alive and, though In need of some heavy pruning, produces fruit and is in fairly decent shape.

   I’ll be taking of the existing grape vine and will be making a new row of grapes.  I began digging holed for the plants to go into and I’ve also got holes dug for the posts that the wire will be attached to keep the vines off of the ground.

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