Saturday, October 6, 2012

Still playing dress up…

I kept found us dressing up in costumes, for various reasons, all weekend long. Below are a few photos showing varying outfits from this weekend:12-9-29

Airsoft garb


Benjamin dressed up as a shooting instructor


I’m working on piecing together a WWII era outfit.  I think the only things I need to get finish my basics are a service cap, leggings, and a proper tie.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tobymac Success: Victory or Defeat?

TobyMac1Scott Brown recently posted a great article about the state of Christian music, in the light of TobyMac’s great hit, “Eye on It.”  ToyMac is becoming the first Christian artist in the past fifteen years to achieve the number one position on the Billboard Music Chart.  Scott Brown attributes the success of this song in both the Christian and secular world to a spiritual famine.  Read the full article here:

I’ve posted the song below:


I found this article to be interesting, because I do agree with Scott Brown even though I used to be a fan….or maybe just a listener…of TobyMac/DC Talk many years ago.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Short Video Shoot

12-9-28-6  We were invited to help film a short video Stephen Littman was filming with the rest of his crew.

  Benjamin played the lead in a crime scene and a short fighting scene that I was also in.

  I should be able to post a link to the video fairly soon, but until then take a look at the behind-the-scenes video below: 12-9-28-512-9-28-3


Sep 28 12