Birthplace of the Free Population of Saint Louis City and County for 1860
(Total Population 186,178)
United States: 90,092
Missouri: 57,634
Foreign Countries 96,086
Germany 50,510
The exhibit made the point that Missouri was a divided Missouri’s governor, Claiborne Jackson was a strong advocate for secession, but the Missouri General Assembly voted it down and decided to remain neutral. Meanwhile, Lincoln requested that Missouri provide 3,123 troops to attack the Confederacy and Gov. Jackson gave him this bold reply:
There was a Federal Arsenal in Saint Louis w
One of the German militia “clubs” of Saint Louis
This was the Missouri state flag from Camp Jackson
They were marched back into Saint Louis as prisoners under guard of the Union German volunteers. The sight of this march enraged many in the city and a riot broke out wherein 28 people died and up to 100 were wounded. The “Camp Jackson Affair” polarized much of Missouri and Saint Louis and the riot in which some women and children were killed, influenced many to embrace secessionist views.Well, to make this a short story…after an unsuccessful meeting with the Union Captain, Nathaniel Lyon, Governor Jackson was chased across Missouri to Jefferson City where he escaped with some of the Missouri General Assembly to Southern Missouri near the Arkansas border. It was here in Neosho that the remnants of the General Assembly and the Governor voted to secede from the Union and to join the Confederacy, even though they didn’t control the state or its capitol. However, this is how Missouri got its own star on the Confederate flag, because it attempted an unsuccessful secession.
Governor Gamble
The city of Saint Louis was placed under martial law during the war and was a major Union resupply point for the armies in the Western theater and helped ensure that the Union army would control the Mississippi river during the war. However, even though they were under Union control many of the people who lived in the city were southern sympathizers and helped smuggle supplies and prisoners out of Saint Louis.
Map of Saint Louis showing the major buildings and military installations including the Federal Arsenal. Many of the older roads that exist today are also on this map.
That was a very watered-down, short story version of one of the most pivotal points in Missouri’s (and specifically Saint Louis’) history. The exhibit had a lot of information from the important events leading up to the war (such as the border ruffians, Bleeding Kansas and the Dred Scott decision) to the battles and skirmishes in Missouri throughout the war.
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