Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Silver Dollar City

May 26, 2015 - Thank you very much to the Jones family for getting these photos while we were at the park!  I brought my camera, but not the SD card, so this visit was grossly undocumented on my part.

Welcome to Silver Dollar City

Almost feel bad for kicking a poor girl and an old guy out of the way so we could get this photograph.

We three kings of Orient are...

Checking out Powder Keg before we get in line...

...and only the very brave few still got on the ride!  Oh, brave and also patient.  There was a 45 minute line.

I wish that my face before we blasted off at 50-something mph had been captured! :)  Let your imagination go wild. 

The guys.
Properly spaced and positioned so that none of us are touching.  And so that I look short.

The ladies on the other hand...

...didn't get the memo about the no contact thing. ;)

1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

Looks like you guys had a fun day!! I love the Jones Family!! They're pretty awesome1!