Thursday, October 20, 2016

Dancing at the Casa Loma

August 19, 2016- It's been 6 months, but we're back for another fun evening of dancing at the Casa Lama Ballroom!

The fun starts with some instruction by our dance instructor.
Tonight we worked on the steps for the Foxtrot.

 - Foxtrot filmed in the 1920s -

Josiah dancing with our instructor 

We primarily danced West Coast Swing during the evening.

Live big band performance by the Ambassadors of Swing 

And that's why I'm nicknamed "Bernardo." 
Making the case for a more Asian (and friendlier?) version at the ballroom.
#nomambo #nojets 🔪 #nomaria

Notice how the ladies are positioned on the man's right side - this allows the man to walk forward (below) in the foxtrot without (with some practice) stepping on the lady's toes! 

 Contra dance position 

We wrapped up the evening by attempting a dance that I'd barely remembered: the Shim-Sham.

We'll need to brush up on this dance since we the "glory days" when we practiced it more ;)
(From last August:)

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Now that looks like fun!