Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Cabinet Gets a New Floor Too!



IMG_3272The rotten particle board that had served as the floor of the cabinet was moldy and deteriorated. It was a smelly job, but Glenn got on a mask and started pulling out the floor.  Thankfully the underlayment beneath the particle board wasn’t moldy and looked to be in good shape.




Mom picked up some paint to use in the laundry room-it was surprise when we saw that it was the color of a pomegranate! We’d never painted the laundry/pantry since we’ve been living here and the red color really brightened up the room.IMG_3269IMG_3281

We’ll also paint behind the shelves                              I think that we’ll use this same color for the hallway bathroom


Glenn cut a base for the plywood to sit on.


However, getting the plywood into the cabinet was a difficult challenge that required un-wiring the garbage disposal,


cutting the drain pipe and removing the front board. Finally we got the plywood inside and screwed into the base. It was pretty late before we got the job done (past midnight) and we’ll have to pick up plumbing supplies before we can re-attach the drain and start using the kitchen sink again.

We’ll paint the plywood to match the other cabinet’s floors and put some trim on the front edge.

Now that we have a good, solid foundation in the cabinet we’ll have to either replace the kitchen faucet or just replace the o-rings and the gasket where the water is leaking from.

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