Thursday, January 6, 2011

Errands & a Sprain

IMG_0011We were gone most of the day and ran a lot of errands.

Mom had to get up early and drive to the licensing office to get the van registered. She came back to the house to pick us up before leaving for a doctor’s appointment. After that we embarked on a journey into Wal-Mart…we also call Wal-Mart stores “black holes.”


   They had organizers and work out equipment in the very front of the store so that folks could start fulfilling their new year's resolutions Smile.

IMG_0024We ate lunch at the Lone Wolf Coffee Company. The décor is very rustic and there are a lot of canoes, bikes skis and anything else that involves great outdoor adventures and sports.





On our very last stop Noah and I had run into buy something real quick and on our way out I tripped on a curb or something and at least sprained my ankle.  I ‘m trying to keep it elevated and to get around the house I have to hop around on my left leg Smile.

Mom’s thinking about getting x-rays just to make sure that there aren’t any broken bones, but I’m hoping that it’ll be a lot better tomorrow.  I was pretty unhappy with myself for getting hurt like this, but I’m not really sure how I could’ve prevented it…I’ve broken my arm before by doing something stupid, however this time all I was doing was just walking across a parking lot.

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