Friday, January 7, 2011

Jan 7-Snow on the Roads


IMG_0054Snapshot 1 (1-9-2011 10-06 AM)My foot felt a better when I woke up, but my Mom wanted to get some X-rays just to make sure that the ankle wasn’t broken.  She’s always been adamant that we access our injury to possibly prevent complications down the road.

Speaking of road…the drive to Urgent Care was very beautiful and the snow flakes looked really neat and the snow wasn’t sticking to the road at all.

IMG_0069We were in and out of the urgent care in an hour and a half and after looking at the x-rays the doctor said that I just had a sprained ankle and nothing was broken. My right ankle is immobilized now and will have to stay that way for a couple of weeks. Mom rented crutches for me to use for a couple of days until I can “get back on my feet.”

We picked up my brothers at the house and went to a meeting. However, the snow started coming down really quickly and the roads started looking pretty bad.

Before we started heading home our Grandma called and let us know that the highway was very slick and that there were a lot of cars that had slipped off the road.  We waited awhile to allow some time for the roads to be cleared before we went home.  There had been a 6 car pile up and a couple of other cars getting towed.

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