Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Videos from CHEF Civil War Ball 06/11


Will be adding videos from the ball here as they are uploaded.  I am saving all of these videos in 1080p so uploading them to YouTube is a long process.

Spanish Circle

Grand March-Fast

The grand march that opened the ball in quick-time (though in reality it is in .wmv) [laughter from geeks].  If you’re real patient take a look at the grand march video below that is in real-time.

This video of the opening grand march of the ball is sped up very, very quickly to just show what kind of patterns we did in the march.

If someone leaves a comment on this post asking for a video in real time or for a different section of the ball I’ll be happy to oblige.
Filmed on June 22, 2011. Dances were called by John M Ramsay.


Leah Mays said...

This video looks like an old silent movie, only in color and with sound! :)
I laughed the whole time I was watching it!

Unknown said...

I never thought about making it look like an old silent film...that would've made it look pretty cool.

Leah Mays said...

Well I guess you could try it some time.
All the fast choppy movements after you sped it up is what reminded me of a silent movie!:)

Savories of life said...

Leah Mays check out my blog as I was wonderign how to find you. Do you have any pictures from last week? Answer on my blog.

Andrew any movies you have of the ball would be great and I will put them up. Thanks for all the pictures.

Mazzou said...

I really like your blog!
We have enjoyed the videos of the dance practices, and I am excited to watch these from the ball, too!
(Ha ha- the grand march fast is funny, but a good idea. :))
I really liked seeing your pictures from the Conference, too. So fun. I will be posting about the Conference soon- hopefully!

I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures on my blog of dance practices! Our family HOPES to attend in Sept., but we don't know if we'll be able to.
Again- great blog!
Have a fantastic summer.