Snowman from the the first snowfall this season!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
George Washington & Mr. Ford
Today, Mr. Ford took my brothers and I out to the St. Louis History Museum to see an exhibit on George Washington.
Civil War in Saint Louis
Missouri’s governor, Claiborne Jackson was a strong advocate for secession, but the Missouri General Assembly voted it down and decided to remain neutral. Meanwhile, Lincoln requested that Missouri provide 3,123 troops to attack the Confederacy and Gov. Jackson gave him this bold reply:
There was a Federal Arsenal in Saint Louis w
One of the German militia “clubs” of Saint Louis
Well, to make this a short story…after an unsuccessful meeting with the Union Captain, Nathaniel Lyon, Governor Jackson was chased across Missouri to Jefferson City where he escaped with some of the Missouri General Assembly to Southern Missouri near the Arkansas border. It was here in Neosho that the remnants of the General Assembly and the Governor voted to secede from the Union and to join the Confederacy, even though they didn’t control the state or its capitol. However, this is how Missouri got its own star on the Confederate flag, because it attempted an unsuccessful secession.
The city of Saint Louis was placed under martial law during the war and was a major Union resupply point for the armies in the Western theater and helped ensure that the Union army would control the Mississippi river during the war. However, even though they were under Union control many of the people who lived in the city were southern sympathizers and helped smuggle supplies and prisoners out of Saint Louis.
That was a very watered-down, short story version of one of the most pivotal points in Missouri’s (and specifically Saint Louis’) history. The exhibit had a lot of information from the important events leading up to the war (such as the border ruffians, Bleeding Kansas and the Dred Scott decision) to the battles and skirmishes in Missouri throughout the war.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Spanish Circle–Christmas Ball 2012
Also known as the Spanish waltz
Filmed at the 19th Annual Christian Home Educators Fellowship Christmas Ball. The caller is Jeremy Suermann and filming and editing is the work of J. Andrew Wong.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Strip the Willow–Christmas Ball 2012
A Scottish dance with a lot of ree-eeling!
Filmed at the 19th Annual Christian Home Educators Fellowship Christmas Ball. The caller is Jeremy Suermann and filming and editing is the work of J. Andrew Wong.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Yellow Stockings–Christmas Ball 2012
Filmed at the 19th Annual Christian Home Educators Fellowship Christmas Ball. The caller is Jeremy Suermann and filming and editing is the work of J. Andrew Wong.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Circassian Circle-Christmas Ball 2012
This simple, but always popular -well, maybe not ALWAYS popular (see 3:25)- dance was setup in three large circles.
Hundreds of dancers gathered on a winter evening in Saint Louis, Missouri at Saint Xaviers Cathedral for the 19th Annual Christian Home Educators Fellowship Christmas Ball. The dances were called by Jeremy Suermann and filming and editing is the work of J. Andrew Wong.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Christmas Ball 2012
It has taken a little while to get the dancing videos from the 2012 Christmas Ball prepared, but in the meantime I wanted to share the new intro. (This video was only a test and the dance title/background are not the same dance.)
Next video Gotham Jubilee!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Christmas Ball-Videos Coming Soon!
Dancing videos from the 19th Annual CHEF-MO Christmas Scottish Ball will be available over the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned! If you have any dances you'd like me to prioritize, please leave a comment.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Dancing Photos
Trying to decide whether to post the videos from the last dance or just wait until the Christmas ball. By the way, if anyone has any creative ideas on how I could get some good camera angles at the ball (especially shots from above) please let me know! I’d like to rig something up that will be above everyone’s heads.