Monday, July 29, 2013

Jamming @ the LaMotte’s


   It was great to finally get back together with the LaMotte family!  Nathan, who’s very experienced on the piano, recently picked up the guitar, so it was a lot of fun to bring my guitar over and play together.  Thanks for sharing your blues-style chords with me Nathan!

  Caleb also started learning how to play the ukulele within the last month, so our little acoustic trio played a few songs together.

  We also played a long-expected, mega game of Nerf together.  The darts were flying everywhere!

  Thank you so much, LaMotte family, for such a great, fun evening and for a yummy dinner/dessert!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Photo Edit–Cloning

  I thought I’d take a minute and show some of the photo editing I did to one of the photos from the “Declaration of Independence Picnic” post.


The original photo was taken at a very bad angle.  In fact, it was so bad that if I’d tried rotating the image I  would’ve had to crop most of the picture.


So, after rotating the image enough that the camera’s angle wouldn’t be distracting, I cloned in the missing corners of the photo.


Once you know where to look it’s pretty easy to tell where I copied other areas of the photo to fill in the spaces in red.  However, it looks good enough to hold up to average scrutiny.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Jeremy & Darcie's Wedding

July 6, 2013 -   

Mothers of the bride and groom
Some of the wedding party…
…and more of the wedding party…
…and more of the wedding party.

Best Man & Maid of Honor

Waiting for the bride

Waiting for the bridge and groom

Time to head to the reception….(post coming soon)