Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Play as Work– #ThrowbackThursday

November 20, 2014 - Today's ‪#‎tbt‬ photo is one of my favorites because it really encapsulates the approach that my Mom took to training my brothers and I.  Mom, I am so thankful for how you emphasized that even our play was a training ground for real life. Thank you for all that you've done to prepare my brothers and I for life, and for your continued support as we prepare to someday raise our own sons.
1998 - At ages 2 and 4, Benjamin and I pulled our battery powered jeep into the garage, set up a work light, jacked up the car, and got our hands on a socket set.
2008 - Disassembling an engine with Ken and Nathaniel Bauwens.
I'm so thankful for the men in my life who took the time to mentor my brothers and I.
2008 - Benjamin and I are back in the garage together 10 years later.
oil change-2[4]
2011 - All three of us are doing a tune up on the family van.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Kate's Birthday

November 6, 2014 - Tonight we went out to dinner to celebrate Kate's birthday.
It'd be hard to overestimate what an impact that she's had on the lives of my brothers and me.  She's always been willing to share whatever she has to us.  We've made some great memories over the years and have a learned a lot of valuable lessons along the way.
She's been an absolutely incredible blessing and I am so thankful to God for the time that I've been able to spend with Kate.