This weekend we had the opportunity to watch two documentaries from this year’s SAICFF. They were both very good and we’re planning on showing them to family and friends who might be interested in them. On Thanksgiving we watched Divided with the Brewer family and it was on the break down of the family through age-segregated youth ministry.

When Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers wrote a “Letter to the Editor” about the drastic changes in America’s culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses.
He realized then that he’d hit on something.
Ask almost anyone and you will hear, “Communism is dead! The Berlin wall came down.” But although the word “communism” has fallen out of favor, Marxism continues to have a powerful influence upon our nation, as this new film quickly reveals. Join Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down.
It’s a well-documented agenda.

Is Age Segregation Ministry Multiplying or Dividing the church?
Divided follows filmmaker Philip Leclerc on a revealing journey as he seeks answers to what has happened to today’s Christian youth. Philip speaks to kids in local youth groups, interviews national youth ministry leaders, and finally meets with a growing number of pastors and elders who are abandoning the age-segregated Sunday school and youth ministry model and embracing instead the perfect ministry model God’s Word prescribes.
Two-thirds of young people are going to leave the Church. That's a shocking statistic. —Ken Ham
It's time to get past the denial phase. —Kevin Swanson
Divided from NCFIC on Vimeo