Thursday, April 8, 2010

Creation Museum & Potter's Ranch

Creation Museum & Potter's Ranch from J. Andrew Wong on Vimeo.

Exactly one year ago (April 7-9 2009) my family and I were at the Creation Museum to celebrate my 15th birthday. My Mom had signed me up for a special photography class with two of the photographers for AiG. I learned a whole lot in the class and had a great time taking photos of exhibits and the garden.

We had planned on "camping" at Potter's Ranch, a local Christian campground. However, it reached 18 degrees that night, so the camp management let us sleep in a heated room.

I would highly recommend the photography workshop that I attended; the workshops are takign place 4 times a year and the next class will be on May 8. You can find more information here:

Even if you aren't an expert in photography you'll still have a great time taking photos around the Museum-one of your photos may even be used by AiG!
-J. Andrew Wong