Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lydia’s Sick



Brewer Family said...

Poor girl hope she gets better soon!

Lisa Wong said...

Well, she saw her doctor today and she thinks Lydia may have a sinus infection or something. It may have started when she had an allergic reaction to some pepper she ate.
Thankfully she's been a lot better so far this week than she was over the weekend!

Brewer Family said...

I still can't get my mind around how "human" she is! I've never heard of a dog getting a sinus infection or having allergies, but I guess it really does happen haha!


Leah Mays said...

Awww...poor little doggy.. =( I hope she gets better soon..

Are you guys planning on being at dance practice, this Friday??

Unknown said...

No, we're not able to attend this week's dance practice, but we're planning to be at the next one.

Leah Mays said...

Aww...We'll miss you guys.