Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Masquerade Ball - Dance Videos

Series of Posts on #MasqueradeBallSpring2015
[Dance Videos]
Dance Photos - Coming soon 
Portraits - Coming soon

These dance videos are from the Masquerade Ball at the Savoy Ballroom in Springfield, MO.  The evening was incredibly delightful, and the venue was gorgeous! The dances were called by Melanie Thomas and were filmed on May 25, 2015.  Enjoy!
Oh, and there's a video of a "new" dance.  We tried dancing "The Last Dance" from Emma (2009) for the first time at the ball.
The videos are embedded individually below from the Stately Steps YouTube channel, and if it's any easier, here is a playlist of all the dances from the masquerade.

Ship's Cook

Barbarini's Tambourine

Comical Fellow

The Hole in the Wall

The Last Dance

1 comment:

Savories of life said...

Maybe nest year I can go . Sounded like so much fun.