Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Blue Skies Smiling at Me!

July 29, 2015 - I was driving home and noticed that the blue skies were particularly beautiful:

So, I headed to an old fire lookout tower that overlooks our valley.
I hadn't been in this thing in probably 9 years - and I remember it was in rough shape back then!

Definitely not recommended if you're afraid of heights!

Click the photo for the full panorama

Yes...very little in the way of safety precautions :D

Are you afraid of heights?  Would you still try to climb the tower?
Leave a comment below...
(Take into account that there's wind at the top and some of the floorboards are a bit loose!)


Unknown said...

Beautiful view...but I'm too much of a chicken when it comes to heights. If it were life and death, I could go up it...but for no other reason. :D

Mazzou said...

THAT VIEW!!! It's too beautiful to be true.
I would LOVE to see that view, and I'd enjoy the climb....but I'm afraid I must confess that, no matter my joy at experiencing such a view, a weakness would develop about my knees which would be catastrophic. :(
But that's so lush and amazing! I loved the panoramic picture.

Melanie said...

What a view!!! It depends on what you mean by being afraid of heights... I wouldn't want to jump out of a plane because of the height, but I would want to climb this tower! Maybe next time we visit you guys we can climb it and see if the wind and loose floor boards would make me change my mind :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks for commenting!
I have to admit that my palms got a bit sweaty as I climbed the tower - ha - it's happening now that I'm just thinking about it.
I was probably the most nervous about losing my phone while I was taking photos.
But, most certainly, as you all have pointed out - it's all worth it to experience that view. And...doesn't capturing beauty always necessitate taking a risk or making a sacrifice? Maybe that's one reason why beauty is appreciated and valued.
Okay, my head's out of the clouds - visually and figuratively. ;)
Well, maybe some of you will be able to check out the view for yourself.

Gabrielle said...

I would try to climb the tower....ok maybe!!! ;)